Politics and Healthcare

Politicking is also common in the health care system.

This is very unfortunate because this hinders one to work properly. With politics in the work area, healthcare providers should stretch their patience. Political behavior in the health care setting is very common. We cannot help but get annoyed by the healthcare politics we encounter in our work place. This affects how we provide proper care and services to our patients. It hinders us from performing at our best.
Politics in the healthcare scenario can cause big problems for the organization. This can obstruct production and can affect each and everyone’s performance. When politics take place in a work area workers are no longer motivated to do their job. It is proper to stay away from these issues. This will help us focus to perform well with our jobs.

Abusing Power

Power plays and abuse in authority usually happens in the work area. People take advantage of their position. They tend to hurt and destroy a person inside their organization by using their position. Many things get affected by this so called politics in the work office. The worst thing that can happen is that proper care to patients is not provided. Because of these issues healthcare workers choose not to provide the right services. Because of politics in the workplace workers may feel paranoid about any situation. They choose not to share new ideas. Other people may think that you are being a know it all. They destroy you instead of accepting these ideas for the good of the organization. They choose to be quite because when you retaliate the more the issue becomes bigger.
A good work place without politics would encourage growth and creativity. The results could be devastating. Staff growth will be compromised and some workers would choose to leave. They would seek other jobs that would allow them to grow into better professionals. They would rather work in a place in a nonpolitical working environment.
Politics again has many bad effects in the workplace. It can immobilize the team. These is very comparable to a patient in an adjustable bed. Wherein you control and manipulate the positioning of the patient in the bed. This is very true when there is politics in the workplace. People tend to control people. They don’t reinforce a positive atmosphere fitted for work. Read more on adjustable beds by clicking this link: https://bedroom.solutions/best-adjustable-beds/
Politics can restrict good communication in the work area as well. There is a possibility that workers become suspicious of each other. Because of suspicion it can destroy relationships and loyalty would be uncommon. The spirit of camaraderie and team work is important. Without these motivation is rare which causes the employee to remain stagnant.

Attractiveness of A Politician: An Advantage

Politics is a very complicated topic. Not everyone is interested, and not everyone has the same opinions and perceptions. From determining who should be elected, to electing who you think will serve the public better, to knowing the result of the votes of the state.

People, especially the young ones, are not that conscious when it comes to selecting who should be in the position. If you are going to ask them, answers will surely be full of pretensions. They will give you technical answers and talk about the platforms the politicians mentioned during the campaign. They might also mention how nice they think the politician will be if he or she will be elected. But they will never ever mention that they voted for this particular person because of the physical appearance.

Some studies have shown that unconsciously, people really vote for a candidate with a nicer physical appearance. They are attracted with the overall charisma of a candidate and not totally disregard, but forget the actual things to be taken into account in determining who to vote or elect.

With this, politicians should not just focus on taking care of the people, but also consider what their people think of them, how they look at them, and what kind of physical image they see. If there are two politicians who are competent for the position, but the other one’s physical appearance is not as good as his or her competitor, chances are, the competent politician with a glowing skin will win the election. So if one is planning to run and be a candidate for a certain public position, skin care like acne scar removal will really be a big help. This is not a requirement, however if you are really into serving the public, and you believe you have the cleanest and clearest intentions, might as well do everything and enhance your physical image for a total package.


Knowing the concepts of politics

There is no generally valid, objective definition of politics, but one can deduce from all the different definitions of the term politics. Politics is something that is associated with power, rule, conflict, order, the community, or peace. In the broadest sense of the term, politics describes any negotiation process between people and groups. For instance, manufacturers of programmable coffee makers can negotiate with proper authority regarding permits and the like.

A narrower political term, on the other hand, is defined by the state institutions such as governments, parliaments, as well as legally defined mechanisms for decision-making and enforcement.

Types of policy terms

  • The empirical-analytical concept of politics: the basis of political decision-making systems is formed in conflict-ridden and complex societies.
  • The normative concept of politics: this concept of politics refers to the common good and to the fact that the community and the good order of the state are the main purpose of the state and politics.
  • The Marxist concept of politics: this concept is based on the basic assumption of conflict and politics as a means for the class struggle to take place against economic realities.
  • The pragmatic concept of politics: the central concept of this definition of politics is power, since with the help of politics, a rule can be achieved and maintained.

Systematic dimensions of the concept of politics

  1. Policy: describes the normative, content-related dimension of politics, which is about the way tasks are performed. In this political term, for example, party programs play a role, which determines the content and concrete activities in certain political areas. This is about concrete decisions and the results of politics.
  2. Polity: describes the political framework in which certain policies take place, such as the constitutional framework. The constitutional order regulates the relationship between the state organs, lays down basic rights to restrict political action, and specifies central principles such as democracy or federalism.
  3. Politics: relates to the process dimension of the concept of politics and includes all those involved and interacting with the political process. The main question here is which actors are involved in what form and to what extent in political decision-making and decision-making processes and how a specific policy ultimately comes into force.