Last week, the Daily Beast reported on how several officials of the Republican National Committee (RNC) are furious that they are stuck with Trump as the 2024 presidential nominee. They dread that the outcome will be disastrous because in the long run, the party will be supporting a convicted felon.
If so, the situation will dampen GOP‘s chances of ever taking back the White House since Biden will likely be re-elected in the 2024 presidential election.
Not Nominating Trump in the Primaries is Problematic
Not nominating Trump as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate in the 2024 elections can also create a dangerous situation. Still Republican Party leaders including donors are thinking of ways on how to prevent Trump from prevailing in the primary elections in the same way he did in 2016.
Unfortunately, there’s still no clear plan on how to stop other Republican presidential hopefuls from increasing Trump’s chances of winning the nomination with his 30 – 40 percent supporters.
What happens is that 60 – 70% votes that do not support a Trump nomination could splinter. In reality, several presidential-nomination hopefuls are Trump supporters whose only purpose is to reduce the percentage of the opposition votes against a Trump candidacy.
According to reports the conversations prevailing in the RNC is to block Trump’s bid by not allowing his silent supporters to enter the primary race. Instead, ensure that a lone yet reputable Republican candidate will have the majority support instead of garnering only a splintered portion of the votes.
Yet another concern has been raised considering that Trump’s die hard supporters are capable of carrying out violent actions if Trump will not get the 2024 presidential nomination. Similar to the 2020 presidential elections, Trump will claim that the results have been rigged. Also similar to the January 06 siege of the Capitol, Trump will rouse his supporters to carry out acts of rebellion.