Different Types of Government

Things start to become complex from the time when political structures, philosophical ideologies and economic policies have been developed. If you are confused or need help to further understand how the government works, don’t worry, we got you! In the next paragraphs, you are going to find the most common forms of government followed by several nations today.


This is a type of government that lets people pick their leaders. The main goal of democracy is to practice governance via fair representation and to prevent the abuse of power. The outcome, it creates a system that demands debate, compromise and discourse to be able to satisfy the widest possible public interests.

Democracy is advocating fair and free elections, human rights protection, law and order and civic participation. This is the same reason why many businesses, hotels, restaurants and so forth prefer a democratic form of government than something else as they get a voice as well in the community.


With communism, it is a centralized form of government that is led by one party that is typically authoritarian. This is inspired by a German philosopher, Karl Marx. Nations that follow communism replace profit-based economy and private properties with public ownership as well as communal control of the economic production similar to:

  • Natural resources
  • Capital goods and;
  • Labor

With communism, it makes citizens part of a classless society that is distributing services and goods as needed.


This is a system that is promoting cooperation instead of competition among its citizens.

The citizens then own a mean of production as well as distribution of services and goods while there is a centralized government that oversee the process. Every person is benefiting and contributing to the system as per their abilities and needs.


Say for example that the government is following oligarchy leadership, they normally follow a specific set of qualities similar to heredity, race or even wealth. These are then used in giving power to a small group of people. In most cases, oligarchies have authoritative rulers and the absence of individual rights or democratic practices.
