Television was responsible to the party and the people for three functions: information, political and entertainment. In some functions it was interesting and important for the authorities, in others – for the population.
A man without blisters from the telepult
Today – although, of course, he was before, but in small quantities – a previously unthinkable type of personality has appeared who, scary to think, does not watch TV, since such a snob does not even have this “window to the world” even in the house. Let us recall that during the acquisition of the first television sets by the population, grateful neighbors came to the happy owners in droves.
And during the period of widespread television distribution, another problem arose. Often, residents of apartment buildings were outraged by fans of nighttime TV programs, which did not allow their neighbors to fall asleep.
But today another phenomenon has already arisen. Many people don’t just not watch TV. With their quiet protest, they are trying to disconnect from events and not know what is happening in the country.
Today novels and newspapers, television news and television series create such information-virtual reality, in which it would be good to live if it were true.
But today we have post-truth, which creates a wonderful individual world on screens, in the networks, in the speeches of politicians. Post-truth is my own truth, different from someone else’s. The Trump administration has gone even further by introducing the concept of “alternative fact.”
What has the Internet created? He tore the news away from the source, thus any user can turn out to be a source, that is, everyone is his own CNN.
Today we still have to admit that most of the population receives information from television. But if people spend 8 hours a day in front of the screens, then it is quite clear that some of their time is still not on TV. And the younger the social group, the farther it is from the TV. And it’s now impossible to drive her back into the comfortable armchairs of grandparents in front of the TV screen like iptv.
Television, like other screen media, has become an instrument of cognitive warfare. Let us remember that it was television that launched the internal restructuring, pushing aside from the screen “respectable people” who read from a piece of paper, in favor of youth speakers who generate thoughts in front of the amazed audience.
How the broadcast was able to reach everyone at once
Today’s television talk shows have the same instantaneous impact, providing consistency in mass thinking, as the result is born in front of the audience.
People should see and distinguish between good and evil from a single point of view. This also means that they need to be seated at one moment in front of the screen in order to set a unified interpretation of the current reality. The political goals of television are retained today on a smaller scale than they used to be in information broadcasting, since even a simple listing of events sets the information agenda, directly and indirectly hinting the population about what to think about.
Past television worked according to a linear strategy, today there is a search for nonlinear transitions in the mass consciousness. The most interesting thing about this is that it seems to you that your decision is on your own, not dictated from the outside, since everything imposed causes resistance. It is from this point of view that we would like to look at the role of political talk shows.
Game over, the bad one is defeated
Psychologists state that discussions on political talk shows, with all their fury, do not convince anyone to agree with someone else’s opinion, but only strengthen the confidence of each side in their own position. That is, the participants in the discussion disagree even more confident that they are right.