Democratic and Republican lawmakers continue to engage in partisan politics to the detriment of Americans who remain helpless in facing a 2nd wave of COVID-19. The irresponsible and selfish behavior of Donald Trump only aggravate their hardship as he has now become one of the infected and currently acting as the Number 1 super-spreader of the infectious disease
The HEROES Act (D) vs. The HEALS Act (R)
While Democrats are fighting for an economic relief package that will not only continue to send paychecks to the millions of unemployed Americans but also to provide additional assistance to home renters who have been evicted or facing threats of eviction. Actually, Democratic lawmakers are proposing for a broader, more comprehensive economic relief package called The HEROES ACT which stands for Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions, which by the title alone denotes is all encompassing.
Although The HEROES Act will require as much as $3 trillion in government funding, it aims to address not only emergency health solutions but also economic recovery programs that will enable Americans to go back to their normal lives, to their jobs and to their schools as safely as possible.
When compared to the Republican’s $1 trillion HEALS Act proposal, which stands for Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protections & Schools Act, the funding will be used to send paychecks at greatly reduced amount $300 per month and will be vaguely targeting only key aspects of the country’s long forestalled response to COVID-19 crisis and haphazard efforts to reopen the U.S. economy.
However, the country’s COVID-19 infected and now super-spreader leader Donald Trump continues to muddle the relief negotiation issues and at the same worsen the health crisis by making more misleading statement about the COVID-19 contagion. While his steroid-addled brain prompted him to tweet a message that he is ending negotiations of the coronavirus relief bill, he tweeted for the resumption of talks the next moment, probably during more lucid moments.
Through all the confusion and the political wrangling rather than haggling, majority of the American people remains as the greatest loser. While during normal times, most American households merely look to cash coupons, rebate and reward programs merely for frugality, the practice has become a necessity as a means to stretch their meager budgets. Those who have no other source of income due to lack of employment and relying only in the stimulus paychecks have been lining up for food stamps and food donations instead.
The uncertainty of the future still hovers above our heads because super-spreader Trump is not committing to a peaceful transition in the event that he loses in the forthcoming November election.
As an aside to this political guest post, we at You Review It continue to provide information and tutorials to those looking for rewards and rebate program, including one that readers can find and check here!